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What To Do with Your Pets in an Emergency

What To Do with Your Pets in an Emergency

Don’t forget the family pet.

Pets are loving, and very much loved, members of our families. When you need to evacuate your home, be sure to know what to do with your pets in an emergency. 

It’s important to have copies of rabies and other vaccination records with you. Most shelters who allow pets will not allow a pet without documentation of at least rabies vaccination.

In addition, a pet carrier and/or a sturdy leash is essential. Pets can become frightened and will run and hide. The last thing you want is a lost cat or dog or time spent looking for your loved one. Keep your pets on leashes, harnesses, in crates, wherever you know they’ll be safe.

Also, make sure you have a supply of their food, their medicines and prescriptions and include a favorite toy so you can help keep stress levels down.

Our pets bring us so much joy each and every day. Making sure we have what they need in case of Emergency is a small thing we can do in return.