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Don't Drink the Water

Don't Drink the Water

When a fire disaster hits, we think about the quality of the air we breathe and try to mitigate the impacts of all those particulates with masks. But the water? Who thinks about particulates in the water? I guess we all will from now on. 

As the fires rage on in California, the water needed to fight those fires has become a scarce resource. Not only are firefighters challenged to find enough water and enough water pressure to help them save people’s homes and businesses, but the quality of the water that’s left is not fit for human consumption. 

On January 10, 2025, CBS News reported the following: 

"The districts warned their customers that the use of tap water could be harmful. They said they will be performing tests regularly to examine water quality levels and will provide updates." 

One gallon per person per day for at least three days. This is the amount of water people are urged to keep on hand in case of emergency.