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What is Optimism Bias?

What is Optimism Bias?

Optimism bias, "the tendency of individuals to underestimate the likelihood they will experience adverse events." Yes, we humans largely don't think "it" will ever happen to us. As discussed in an article in Time by Tali Sharot, who wrote the book "The Optimism Bias", our brains are wired this way; and that can lead to bad events. However, it's a story that has a good ending, but it requires knowledge.

Says Sharot, "We are not born with an innate understanding of our biases. The brain's illusions have to be identified by careful scientific observation and controlled experiments and then communicated to the rest of us. Once we are made aware of our optimistic illusions, we can act to protect ourselves. The good news is that awareness rarely shatters the illusion. The glass remains half full. It is possible, then, to strike a balance, to believe we will stay healthy, but get medical insurance anyway; to be certain the sun will shine, but grab an umbrella on our way out — just in case."