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What is Emotional Numbing?

What is Emotional Numbing?

The danger of emotional numbing is that it may cause people to avoid getting prepared. Most of us have probably had the feeling of "enough already, turn it off" and then switching focus to something totally different. 

Columbia University's CRED report lays out emotional numbing, "this occurs after repeated exposures to emotionally draining situations and is a commonly observed reaction in individuals living in war zones or dealing with repeated hurricane threats in a short period. The danger of overexposure to threatening issues is especially high given the modern media environment where people confront a bewildering number and diversity of emotional experiences every day, ranging from news stories to sensational movies."

Even though we're over-saturated with wildfires, hurricanes, snowstorms, politics, terrorist plots and coverage of earthquakes, emotional numbing shouldn't stop us from getting ourselves and our families prepared.